Drive Scope

The scope however is junk, no focus or parallax adjustments. Target image is blurry so much so that zeroing it on an moa target is near impossible. After getting it 'zeroed' the best I could get was about a 3.0 inch grouping at 50 yards. Gave it another try a few days later and the scope was no longer 'zeroed'. Scope is pure junk!!! Dr Scope is owned and operated by an experienced Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist who is committed to excellence in care and providing expert Gastroenterology services for the people of Melbourne in a timely manner. Drive Scope is an advanced SMART drive-testing and health-warning application. Building on the improvements to the SMART check in TechTool Pro, Drive Scope not only provides early warning when a drive is on the path to failure, but provides a deep dive into the health of the drive. HD Scope application software, is a combination of WiFi image transmission equipment using the software, with WiFi settings to achieve the camera through wireless WiFi andandroid system terminal equipment connection of application software, allows users to truly achieve anytime, anywhere, free wireless transmission of image data. WiFi wireless image transmission is mainly used for toys, aerial.

Getting started with the Amazon Drive RESTful API

Authorizing Your App

For more information about authorizing your app and requesting an access token, see the Access Token section of the Login with Amazon documentation.

Login with Amazon supports two types of authorization.

  • Implicit Grant - Send a client_id to get an access_token.
    • Advantage: Easier to implement. Only relies on client-side scripting. Example: javascript
    • Disadvantage: The access token expires.
  • Authorization Code Grant - Send a client_id and a client_secure to get an access_token and a refresh_token.
    • Advantage: More secure. Indefinite access by using the refresh_token.
    • Disadvantage: Requires server-side scripting. More difficult to implement.

If you are not able to implement server-side scripting, then using the implicit grant is your only choice. If you are able to implement server-side scripting, then using the authorization code grant is recommended.

Note: You must generate a new access_token after it expires in 1 hour. That is also true for sending a request to any endpoint since the access_token validity is required. When you send a request for an access_token, the response only contains access token related content. If you are retrieving customer profile data, such as name and email address, then you must use the access token in your response, since it has provides access to customer profile data. Obtaining the customer profile data requires you to send a request to the endpoint.

Implicit Grant

Redirect the user to the Login with Amazon API using the following URI.

Query Parameters:

Use the following parameters in the redirect. All of the parameter values must be url-encoded.

client_idThe identifier for the app.
scope (Permission Level)See Scopes and Permissions and choose the scope you want to get permission for. You can request only those scopes where your app has been added to the allow list. You can also concatenate multiple scopes together. For example, clouddrive%3Aread_image%20clouddrive%3Awrite
response_typetoken : Specified for implicit grant only.
redirect_uriSpecifies one of the return URIs that you added to your app when signing up.

Sample Request:

After the user is authenticated, the user is redirected to the URI that you provided with access_token in the redirect_uri parameter.

Sample Response:

By using implicit grant, the user is redirected to a page with a log-in form and a list of scope descriptions that the user must either grant access to all or none of the scopes. If the customer provides consent, then the access_token is generated. All subsequent requests to the API should be sent with a valid access token. For more information including how to use Login with Amazon with iOS and Android apps, see Amazon Drive SDK for iOS and .

Run html_decode on the access_token in the response (azta%7C... --> azta|...), and pass the value into the request header for all requests to the Amazon Drive API.

Drive Scope

Authorization Code Grant

Redirect customer to Login with Amazon and obtain code. Redirect the user to the Login with Amazon API using the following URI.

Query Parameters

Use the following parameters in the redirect. All of the parameter values must be url-encoded.

client_idThe identifier for the app.
scope (Permission Level)See Scopes and Permissions and choose the scope you want to get permission for. You can request only those scopes where your app has been added to the allow list. You can also concatenate multiple scopes together. For example: clouddrive%3Aread_image%20clouddrive%3Awrite
response_typecode : Specified for authorization code grant only.
redirect_uriSpecifies one of the return URIs that you added to your app when signing up.

Sample Request

After the user logs in, the user is redirected to the URI that you provided with code in the redirect_uri parameter.

Sample Response

Your service leverages the code returned to ask for an access_token.

Send a RESTful POST request to retrieve the authorization code using an access_token. POST specifies the endpoint.

HTTP Header Parameters

Content-TypeSpecifies the content type of the request. application/x-www-form-urlencoded

HTTP Body Parameters

grant_typeSpecifies the grant type for the request: authorization_code
codeSpecifies the code returned after user authorization.
client_idSpecifies the identifier for the app. This is a body parameter.
client_secretSpecifies the secret identifier associated with the app.
redirect_uriSpecifies one of the return URIs that you added to your app when signing up.

Drive Scope For Mac

Sample Request:

Sample Response:

Your app is able to use the access_token to send requests to the Amazon Drive API.

Use refresh_token to obtain new access_token when expired.

Send a RESTful POST request to retrieve the authorization code using a refresh_token.

Google api scopes

POST : Specifies the endpoint.

HTTP Header Parameters:

Content-TypeSpecifies the content type of the request: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

HTTP Body Parameters:

grant_typeSpecifies the grant type for the request: refresh_token
refresh_tokenSpecifies the refresh token returned with the last request for a new access token. This is a body parameter.
client_idSpecifies the identifier for the app.
client_secretSpecifies the secret identifier associated with the app.

Sample Request

Sample Response

By using authorization code grant, the user is redirected to a page with a log-in form and a list of scope descriptions, and the user is able to either grant access to all or none of the scopes. If the user provides consent, then the authorization code is generated. Your service must delegate the user sending the request to Login with Amazon in order to retrieve an access_token, and then all subsequent requests to the API must be sent with a valid access token. For more information about how to use Login with Amazon in iOS and Android apps, see the Platform Resources section of the Login with Amazon documentation.

API Requirements

Common HTTP Headers in a Request

AuthorizationThe information required for request authentication. For more information about how to get the access token, see the Platform Resources section of the Login with Amazon documentation. The Authorization header should contain and specify the 'Bearer ' + authorizationToken. Example: java HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url); request.addHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + authorizationToken);
Content-LengthSpecifies the length of the message in the body; without the headers. This is a required parameter when the body of the request in not empty.
Content-TypeSpecifies the content type of the resource being requested. Example: application/jsonExample: multipart/form-data
Accept-EncodingSpecifies the type of encoding returned in the response. **Example**: gzip
user-agentSpecifies the version of device software sending the request. **Example**: Photos/3.2.5004610 (IML74K)


UTF-8 encoding

The strings sent in a request or a response must be encoded as UTF-8.

Date format


The dates created by the system are in dateTime ISO 8601 format.

Example: 2014-03-07T22:31:12.173Z

MD5 format

The MD5 hash for the file must be encoded in hexadecimal.


The master API endpoint for Amazon is the following.

To obtain the correct endpoint for each user, follow these steps.

  1. After the user logs in, send a request to the getEndpoint method using the following URI.
  1. The response from Amazon Drive returns the following parameters, which are used in new requests.
    • metadataUrl : Specifies the URI for the read and write metadata of nodes.
    • contentUrl : Specifies the URI for uploading and downloading files
Note: The response to the getEndpoint request for each customer should be cached for three to five days. You should not send a getEndpoint method request daily.


If you have any questions, see the Developer Forum.

Last updated: Oct 30, 2020

Create a temporary or persistent mapped network drive. (ndr, mount)

Standard Aliases for New-PSDrive: mount, ndr

On machines with PowerShell 5.0+ and Windows 10, the newer command New-SmbMapping is available.

In Q4471218Mapped network drives are displayed as Unavailable when you run the NET USE command.
Microsoft's recommendation is to remap them with New-SmbMapping

New-PSDrive creates a PowerShell drive that is 'mapped' to a location in a data store, such as a network drive, a directory on the local computer, or a registry key.

If a non-persistent drive is mapped (without the -Persist option) the drive will be visible only within PowerShell, not to Windows Explorer, net use or Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkConnection


Install a drive called 'SS64' using the file system provider. The drive will be rooted at 'C:MyDocs':

PS C:> new-psdrive -name SS64 -psProvider FileSystem -root C:MyDocs -persist

Install a drive called 'S:' using the file system provider. The drive will be rooted at Server64teams:

PS C:> new-psdrive -name S -PsProvider FileSystem -root Server64teams -persist

The parameters are positional, so
PS C:> New-PSDrive -name M -psprovider FileSystem -root ServerShare

is the same as
PS C:> New-PSDrive M FileSystem ServerShare

An alternative is to use VBScript, calling .MapNetworkDrive to map a drive:

PS C:> $drive = new-object -com
PS C:> $drive.MapNetworkDrive('S:', 'Server64teams')

'If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside' ~ Robert X. Cringely, InfoWorld

Drive Scope

Related PowerShell Cmdlets:

Rclone Gdrive

New-SmbMapping - Map to SMB share, (Windows 10).
Get-PSDrive - Get drive information (DriveInfo).
Remove-PSDrive - Remove a provider/drive from its location.
Get-Command - Retrieve basic information about a command.
Get-Member - Enumerate the properties of an object.
VBScript MapDrive - Map a Drive letter to a network file share.
Equivalent bash command: mount - Mount a file system.

Drive Scope Valbonne

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