Downloading Python¶
Download from the following link:
Opening Your Command Line Interface¶
All operating system’s (OS)’s have a command line interface (CLI). Which is atext-based user interface for navigating through your computer. Each OS’s CLIdiffers in name and some syntax, but that’s about it. Your computer alreadycomes with a CLI, you just need to open it.
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Pdf free converter for mac. Mac’s CLI is called Terminal, in order to open it, press Command+Space, thentype ”Terminal” and press Enter. Something like this should come up, this isyour command line.
Basic Navigation Commands¶
Data on a computer is kept in files which are organized into directories (aka folders).These files and directories are accessed and manipulated by repeatedly typingcommands into the CLI and pressing Enter. Every directory in your computer is definedby a path. The path is just the set of all directories that leads to the specificdirectory that you are currently in. Now, each OS has unique basic commands which youtype into the CLI and then press enter to execute. The main important commands aregiven for each OS:
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pwd : displays the path to your current directory. For example, if it displays,/Users/Desktop/School , then you are currently in the School directory, which is inthe ”Desktop” directory, which is itself in the ”Users” directory.
ls : displays the files and directories that are stored in your current directory.
cd <directory> : moves you to a different directory. If the directory that you wish togo to is in your current direc- tory, then simply type cd NameOfDirectory. Otherwise,you will need to specify the path to the directory by typing something likecd /Users/Desktop/School/NameOfDirectory.
open : used to open files. If wanted to open a file named ”data.csv”, then I wouldtype ”open data.csv”.
python <programName>.py : executes a program that is written in the Python programminglanguage. Python files are designated with the extension, .py . All programminglanguages have files with their own extensions and commands to run them.
Writing Your First Program¶
There are many ways to program/write code. We will provide information on two of the primary ways.
Notebook (For Beginners)¶
For students with minimal experience, we recommend started off with a notebook.We’ll use JupyterHub, which is an open-source web application for programming.It allows users to input a chunk of code, and then run that chunk. This is great because itallows you to quickly find out whether or not your code works.All McMaster students can access the phys-ugrad JupyterHub by:
downloading Cisco AnyConnect VPN and connecting to (Instructions found here)
Mac for less. logging into the McMaster JupyterHub here
Dragonframe torrent for mac. Now you can create a new file, type the following:
print(“Hello World!”)
Then hit Run to execute that line of code. If “Hello World” appears below the line of code, then you havesuccessfully run the line of code!
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Text Editor¶
Once we become comfortable with our coding skills, we will want to write more complicated programs thatcan be packaged and shared with others. The best way to do this is by writing a program in what is calleda text editor, save program as a file with the .py extension, and then run the program in the command line.Lets download a text editor so that programs can be written and run. Sublime Text is a free, widely usedtext editor. It can be dowloaded from the following link (make sure to choose the correct download for your OS):
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Let’s write and run one of the simplest programs ever, just to get an idea of whatthe programming process looks like. Once downloaded, open Sublime Text and create anew file. Since we want to code in Python, make sure that the file has the .py extensionafter the name. Save it to any directory you want, but I recommend the Desktop for easyaccessibility. In your empty file, type the following:
print(”Hello, World!”)
Then save the file. Now open your CLI and navigate to the directory that contains yourfile. Once there, use the appropriate command from the previous slide to execute the program.If ”Hello, World” appears in your CLI window, then you have successfully run the program!
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Next Step¶
Now that you can write and run programs, feel free to go to:
Python Basics: to learn Python syntax and test your knowledge with Avenue quizzes
Python For Science: to explore Python templates that can be used for scientific data analysis